Pay your Taxes
Your tax bill will provide specific instructions on due dates and office hours. Office hours are held at 1160 S Stone Rd Fremont, MI 49412 with a drop box available to the right of garage door to leave your cash or check. Or leave a message with Bill at (231) 928-5013 to set an appointment. For receipt, provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope along with your payment.
Delinquent Tax Information
After February 28th
Location Newaygo County Treasurer's Office
1087 E Newell St
PO Box 885
White Cloud, MI 49349
When March 1st until collected or foreclosed​
Payment Call for new payoff amount and payment methods
Call Us (231) 689 - 7230

William Kunnen, Treasurer.
Phone: (231) 928-5013
Email: wdkunnen@ncats.net ​
Home Address:
1160 S Stone Rd
Fremont, MI 49412