Dayton Township is a certified facility, designed to provide for individuals and families during disaster declared by Newaygo County.
Meeting Schedules
The Dayton Township Board meets each month on the second Thursday at 7:00 p.m. All meetings are held at the Dayton Township Hall on the corner of 32nd Street and Stone Road in Fremont, Michigan.
The Zoning Board of Appeals holds meetings on an as needed basis.
Board of Review meetings are held in accordance with state law on the second Monday and Tuesday in March. The Board of Review may also meet in July and December to review and correct any clerical errors or mutual mistakes of fact on assessments. Such errors or mistakes are certified by the Township Supervisor or Assessor. The mistakes can involve the current or preceding tax year.
All other special committees hold their meetings on a schedule convenient to the members.
The Fremont Community Joint Planning Commission (FCJPC) meetings are generally held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Court Room of the Fremont Municipal Building, located at 101 E. Main Street, Fremont.
There are 13 members on the Fremont Community Joint Planning Commission, 5 of which are city representatives, 4 of which are Dayton Township representatives, and 4 of which are Sheridan Charter Township representatives. The term of each member is three years. All members shall hold office until their successors are appointed.