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Dayton Township's Story

Dayton Township of Newaygo County was established on January 6th, 1857. Township officials gathered in their homes to conduct business affairs until November of 1956, when Packard School in District No. 7 was annexed to the Fremont Public School District. At that time, the former Packard schoolhouse was deeded to Dayton Township for the sum of one dollar. From there, the building and grounds at the corner of 32nd and Stone Road became the Dayton Township Hall. The building has been enhanced and expanded as of 2024, with a new addition to include office space, restrooms and a seating area, all while keeping the historic charm of the original wood floors, doors and other special details!


Get In Touch:

Physical Location:

Dayton Township

3215 S. Stone Rd

Fremont, MI 49412


Mailing Location:

Dayton Township

PO Box 68

Fremont, MI 49412


Zoning: Wednesday | 5-8pm

Thursday | 1-4pm

For additional needs, please make an appointment with the Clerk, MaryJo T Keith via phone or email.



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